
Thursday 31 December 2015

New Year and New Years Resolutions - 2015 into 2016~

Hey Everybunny!


So this is a post I’m pretty sure EVERYONE and their mother’s post this time of year! Around my blog I have a goodreads widget next to them showing the books I’ve read/reviewed and my goal… I didn’t accomplish my reading goal this year but I’m hoping to change that and make sure I accomplish that goal next year instead now but this has got me thinking of resolutions and such, which funnily enough also links into my goodreads post! What a good transition!

So I’ve recently read ‘Girl Online’ by Zoe Sugg and her character in the story is a blog writer (also a little kick up the butt to carry on with this lil ole thing) and in the story she makes a blog post about new year’s resolutions, she mentions in the post you’re only meant to give yourself 3 resolutions because you’re more likely to achieve them then. So I wanted to write out mine and explain them a little more in depth (the goodreads goal doesn’t count as a resolution that’s just a challenge I’m giving myself is all ahha)

~ Be Happier
~ Be Healthier
~ Be Consistent

The first resolution really goes without saying doesn’t it to be honest? 2015 was a REALLY REALLY sad year for both me and my family and it looks like in 2016 my other halves family will be going through some heart break as well </3 but due to the amount of things I give myself to do and the amount of responsibilities I take on I don’t get time to just make sure I’m happy…  I really need to change that, I have an issue called ‘idle hands syndrome’ if you google this now you’ll see it’s a term given to people that smoke and drink, basically when they quit their hands seem to do move around and say hold pencils like cigarettes or something. But I have never touched a cigarette in my life and ive only even been black out drunk once (which put me off drinking at all for months may I add and I’ve had to work myself back up to drinking at all especially koppaberg) no no I get this probem because I AM ALWAYS DOING SOMETHING! Even when was a kid before I had a mobile phone I was never still, my hands ALWAYS have to be doing something (which makes lying in bed chilling difficult I have to sleep or be on my phone/laptop or I feel myself going crazy) it’s a really bizarre thing if I’m honest… but due to this I just feel the need to always be doing something and don’t take time out to ‘smell the roses’ which is what I want to accomplish more in 2016, be happier and calmer and more relaxed I just want the stress to go away…

My second resolution is again very simple, you may or may not have seen my blog posts about getting fit and going on a diet (not exactly to lose weight but to clear my shitty diet up and get fitter) but they all failed miserably I did well for so many months and then just crashed and burned at the first hurdle. This year I’m not going to put THAT much strain on myself. I plain old just want to be more healthy and fitter and see where that leads, less takeaways and more home prepared foods. More colours and less browns (now that I’m no longer working I won’t feel the need to sneak off to maccies or something every day). Less chocolate and more fruits (in moderation as that also has high sugars and acid). Just overall cut out more of the crap! Going to give some apps a try with workouts and meal suggestions etc and I’ll leave some reviews for you! I also want to try drinking more water which wasn’t going too well but I found something that helped me. The less often you need to refill your glass or container the more likely you will refill often, so I’d recommend changing glasses to larger glasses like milkshake containers. There is something amazing online I really would like to buy but at like £18 it’s expensive for a bottle really…. It’s called water m8. But you only need to fill it twice a day and it has markers on where you should have drunk to by what time (obvs for those who do not do work outs or have very demanding jobs physically who need more water). Or you could buy a normal water bottle to take out with you like I have at the minute. I also use the app ‘My Water’ it’s 79p on the itunes market place and it looks really cute! It also has a great deal of drink options and amounts to really personalise what you’re drinking and it estimates how much you should be drinking on your weight, height, age and gender etc J So look out for some app reviews! J

My third resolution is again a big thing for me, especially with uni (as I’m writing this now I really should be doing a uni assignment which I left for a while given my mental health state and such) and youtube as examples, I am never consistant I say I’m going to do something and rarely stick through with it, I’m not saying there’s going to be a huge noticeable change, but what I’m saying is I’m going to TRY and fix it. I haven’t thought of how I’m going to but when I do I will let you all know J

Thank you all so much for reading! For those of you who have read all this blubbering perhaps you could post your resolutions in the comments and then we can meet back here when we feel we are accomplishing/failing them for moral support on both ends? J Hope you’re able to welcome in the new year with someone you love regardless of who or how (no one needs to party to have a good new year!)
Thank you for making my 2015 that little bit more special <3

<3 Embunny

p.s. I don’t actually remember my new year’s resolutions (if I had any) for last year…

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