
Sunday 8 November 2015


Hey everybunny!

Soooo… It’’s been a while hasn’t it? Practically 5 months and a lot has gone on in that time that has made me completely forget about my blogging… My youtubing also took a back burner although I have increased in that a lot recently and been much more active than previously… I have a few reasons as to why I’ve been all over the place and not keeping up to date and basically slacking and here they are;

  •  1. I’ve gone back to University. Yes I know I literally only started a month ago, but the run up is crazy stressful. I’ve had to sort all my student finance out, all my equipment and stationary and sorting out my work schedule as well to not overlap each other.
  • 2. I’ve been working… a lot. Until I started uni I was doing around 3-5 days a week all ranging from different time periods and with us being understaffed often there was a lot of overtime going on the days of working so I’d go in earlier or stay later when needed,
  •  3. Someone in my family is terminal, I do not want to go further into this but as you can imagine hectic and very mood ruining,
  • 4. Home. I literally jump between my house, my fiancés and my mother’s so im spreading a lot of time across the different houses and when im not home .blogging and vlogging are very far from the front of my mind.
  •    5. Events. I have been to an event a month, sometimes even 2 events a month, for about 4-5 months now, and due to the nature of the events/conventions I’ve also had to make business cards and cosplays and I also record and make videos on these events as well! 
  • 6. Lazy. I don’t think I need to explain this one! Haha.

There’s probably a lot more reasons I could give, however I can’t think of anymore for the time being, they keep slipping out my head really… but as you can see I’ve been all over the place and really just not being able to focus on the things that I really want to focus on, I’ve had to prioritise things. But I am back now, which means I’m going to try and blog at least once a week. Probably Wednesday’s as they are the day I am free the most.

I hope I haven’t worried you all and that you’re looking forward to more blogs! If you want a further update on my life at the minute and what I’m doing you can watch my videos on youtube! My 2 channels are www.youtube,com/whitewolfem and www.youtube.com/whitewolfemgaming as you can see one of them is a gaming channel, both of which I have revamped heavily and I intend to work harder on them in the future.

<3 Embunny

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