
Wednesday 29 May 2013


Hey all!
So, umbreon. If you do not know him please do not read this post x3 i say that because you wont have a clue who i mean! 
POKEMON! The game/tv series of generations, i watched this every monday after school, my mom would pick me up and we would go to my nans for a lamb dinner and is watch cartoons before the news and dinner :) pokemon was by far my favourite and i even collected all the handheld console games (well the coloured adventure ones) till fire red and leaf green. I am getting back into them though. 
Anyway, my favs were always! Ponyta and Rapidash along with Vulpix and Ninetails (: buh then 2nd gen came along an changed the game, a lil cutie called cyndaquil won my heart and so did umbreon the dark eeveelution. Over time i stopped paying much attention to pokemon as i felt the franchise was being ruined. Earlier this year i took up my pokemon love again through art and requests. Im hooked again. Only this time thanxx to pokemo mystery dungeon it was totodile who was my favourite as i turned into him loads of attempts. But then, unexplained even to me, a little black and yellow ringed puppy appeared and reignited what i truly loved about pokemon. How adorable they can be and powerful! I felt this was expressed in the little umbreon imenssely! Ive the  proceeded to get an umbreon hoodie and plushie and interned to make polymer clay  jewellery of him! 
This is what happens when Embreon is released ^.^ 

Thank you for reading :) hope you enjoyed the pics! 


  1. i would love to know where you got your hoodie.. is it in the u.s or what ._. i can't find any here in the u.s

    1. I found it on eBay :3 im sure you can find it for the US on there i'll have a look for you n.n

      http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cute-Cosplay-Anime-Costume-Ears-Face-Tail-Zip-Hooded-Sweatshirt-Hoodies-Jacket-/301323459859?pt=US_Costumes&var=&hash=item4628471d13 xxx
